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Simplified Compliance, Amplified Success!

Ethica Compliance LLP is a premier ethics and compliance solutions provider at the forefront of revolutionizing the compliance space in Africa.

Our Services

Whistleblowing Management

As an employer it is good practice to create an open, transparent and safe working environment where workers feel able to speak up without fear of retaliation.

Having a whistleblowing policy and channels in place shows a positive and forward-thinking commitment to listen to the concerns of workers. Let us help you, build clear policies and procedures for dealing with whistleblowing. Did you know that you can outsource your organization`s whistleblowing function to our team? We offer 24/7 confidential whistleblowing support through multiple channels – email, SMS and telephone support.

Know Your Customer (KYC)

You wouldn`t hire a new recruit without conducting an interview, would you?

KYC is the first point of interaction with any potential customer, vendor, business partner or supplier. A sound KYC process will help your organization identify and verify customers’; thus avoiding the risk of unwittingly working with organisations or individuals involved in illegal activity such as money laundering, fraud, sanctions and terrorism watch-lists.


Fraud is an intentional deceit (or inaction) by one party intended to lead to an illegal or unethical gain at the expense of another party. Examples of fraud include embezzlement, forgery, fraudulent financial reporting and misappropriation of company assets.

Fraud is not only financially costly to your organization, but the reputational damage can permanently derail your organization`s growth.

Policy Governance

Policies define what is, and what is not acceptable within your organization. The absence of certain policies such as the Sexual Harassment Policy in your organization (if you have 20 or more employees) exposes you to the risk of being sued as an employer.

Our team has demonstrated experience in drafting, reviewing and implementing organization-wide policies to ensure adherence to laws, regulations, codes of practice and compliance requirements.

"Working with Ethica Compliance LLP has been a game-changer for our organization. Their expertise and dedication to compliance has transformed our business operations. We are now a more transparent business and our employees feel empowered to report unethical conduct."
Waridi & Alizeti Logistics Services

From our blog

Latest updates from the Ethica Compliance LLP team

The Complexity of Compliance

Navigating the complex landscape of compliance can be challenging for businesses. Learn how to stay ahead and ensure your company meets all regulatory requirements.

Data Privacy
Data Privacy and GDPR

Understand the importance of data privacy and how GDPR impacts your business. Ensure your company is compliant with these crucial regulations.

Developing Effective Compliance Programs

Effective compliance programs are essential for maintaining corporate integrity and mitigating risks. Discover the key elements of a successful compliance strategy.